April 3, 2010

Fight Club

There are too many reasons to watch Fight Club before you die than I can mention here. For guys I think it brings up a lot of points about our generation - both bad and good - and is such a visceral and hard hitting (pun intended) movie that it's hard to look....and look away. It's hard to specify exactly why you should watch it, so I think bullets would be easier:

1. The story is awesome. This is not your typical beat em up, or stupid "boys will be boys" movie with no consequences to the violence. Ever punch is almost felt on your own face. When a fight goes to far and one of the combatants is left permanently disfigured the audience feels for him. But as the characters say - Fight Club is a release from the stress of a life they can no longer handle. While the violence may be extreme, it is better than suicide or other more harmful acts of aggression.

2. The acting is top notch. Ed Norton is so convincing as "The Narrator" (we never know his real name) that you really wonder if he is losing as much sleep as his character is. Brad Pitt is also excellent as Tyler Durden, a new friend of The Narrator's that is quite an enigma. Pitt brings the in-your-face performance that the role definitely calls for. Pitt nails the guy we've all met, the guy that doesn't care what anyone thinks and really means it. His whole deal isn't to make things easier for anyone - including himself, it's to make people stop and think and question why things are the way they are.

3. The visual style of the film really complements the subject matter very well. The film really feels dirty. Like if you had walked on set - I wouldn't touch anything. The locales that the two fighters visit are all low down dumps, reflecting how they feel on the inside. Really the whole movie is about how men in the 1990's and early 2000's feel about our situation. We're kinda pissed off. The gritty, dirty, and realistic feel of the movie mirrors the frustration many men feel everyday.

Those are the top three reasons to see Fight Club before you die. Once you see it you'll realize there are hundreds more.

IMDB here.

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