March 20, 2010

The Hurt Locker

Wow. Just saw The Hurt Locker and it's by far the most gripping war movie I've ever seen. And I've seen them all. Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, The Deer Hunter, Glory, Inglorious Basterds, Flags of our Fathers, Apocalypse Now, and I'm sure more that I can't think of right now. THL is probably in the top 2 for sheer grittiness and engaging story. It's gory, it's violent, it's shocking, and enduring. You really feel the impact of each explosion. And each explosion is actually real. Meaning explosions aren't happening left and right. Each one has a purpose and consequences. Not like most movies where explosions could kill you but probably don't, each one is felt for what it can actually do. THL drives the point home about war - it's horrible. But some people are born for it.

Jeremy Renner stars as Will James, an IED tech with seemingly nothing to lose. While he does an excellent job in his performance, unfortunately his co-stars were not as excellent. Anthony Mackie and Brian Geraghty do an OK job. Mackie feels a bit forced as the second in command to James. Mackie's character is strictly by the book, rules are rules, and everyone communicates constantly. While his character drives this point home by repeatedly saying this exact thing, Mackie looks as though this is true....without saying it 18 times.

Geraghty also plays the cookie cutter token "guy who can't take it anymore and just needs to get out". Though it's convincing, its convincing because we've seen it a million times before and we already know the part.

The intro to this movie is by far the best part. The tension and excitment in the first ten minutes is palpable. The music is good but also classic cookie cutter war movie. Very good war movie.

IMDB here

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