April 25, 2010


Many people consider Goodfellas the perfect movie. It isn't. I don't think there is a perfect movie because no one knows what that is. What Goodfellas most definitely is, though, is an epic tale of mod brutality show in classic Scorsese style. From Henry working at the "taxi stand" as a kid to his eventual downward spiral into domestic boredom, Scorsese uses his signature style to keep things interesting, exciting, and true to life. In fact much of the story is true, of course artistic liberties were taken but more is true than you would think.

When Henry first joins the family everything is perfect. One because it is a family, more of a family than Henry had before he joined the mob. Two because literally everything is taken care of for him. Any bills - paid. Any problems - taken care of. Soon he even meets a girl and marries her so he always has someone to come home to. Of course, no one can have their cake and eat it too. Eventually, when Henry takes a lover, gets too caught up in the power of being a made
man, and develops a drug addiction things go downhill fast.

The production values are also stunning. All of the outfits, make-up, sets, cars, and props are spot on. The music is straight out of the 70's and works great.

All in all it's a great mafia tale, spun by the master of mafia movies (FFC not included) the end with Henry running all over town selling coke, dropping off guns, and trying to have dinner ready at a reasonable time gets you just as worked up as Henry is. While obviously the things he is doing are not the most respectable he is just like any of us: things to do, people to see, and places to go.

FFC stands for Francis Ford Coppola

IMDB here

1 comment:

  1. One of my all time favorites

    random but I thought you might like this
