Well, I have now seen Inception twice and plan to see it a third time. At first I wasn't as impressed as I thought I would be. I expected something (though I'm not even sure what I expected) and it wasn't that. So maybe I was disappointed at first. Then I thought about what I had seen though: one of the most superbly crafted movies ever made. Christopher Nolan has outdone himself with his writing and directing talents. I believe I have mentioned his enormous talent before: The Prestige, Following, Memento,and The Dark Knight are his mainstream successes. That's quite a list of movies. I've heard it said that he could be the next Kubrick, well he just might be but not yet. His movies, and most of all Inception, are exciting, gripping, and really fun to watch, but they lack the emotional depth that Kubrick had. I think he will get there though. I hope his next movie is much less main stream and hard hitting. But on to Inception.
The computer generated graphics are used very sparingly, which, I love. The scenes that do incorporate computer images are stunning and perfectly crafted. The actors that play off of these images are just as good. Leonardo DiCaprio once again shows his impeccable talent for the screen. Michael Caine has a small and enjoyable part that suits him perfectly. Ellen Page turns in a great performance as well. The best of the very talented cast though is Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The scene in the hallway is amazing in every way possible, and I know how physically demanding it was so for him to also stay in character during it is incredible.
All of the actors are great because they are given such a great story. Lot's of twists and turns and nightmares revealed. It is written in a way that I truly and deeply care about the characters. Nolan also treats his well written script with great care when directing it. Nothing takes away from the story and only adds to it. Every detail is accounted for and painstakingly researched. I applaud Nolan for his finest work so far.
Hans Zimmer deserves special mention for his use of music. It complements the story and acting perfectly. In fact there is much more detail that went into the music than I even knew. Listen very closely for each song and see how they work together. It's amazing.
You MUST go see Inception for yourself. I highly recommend. What do you think of the ending?
IMDB here.
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