James Stewart does an excellent job as George Bailey, a free spirit and dreamer growing up in Bedford Falls. As a kid he was a hardworking boy that actually saved his brothers life from a frozen pond - at the expense of hearing in his left ear. After that he gets a job in "old man Gowers" drug store. Gower fills a medicine bottle with poison accidentally. George sees this but doesn't know what to do. He eventually confronts Mr. Gower who beats him before checking the bottle, only to find that George was right. He apologises immensely and vowes never to hurt him again.
So before the age of 12, George Bailey has saved 2 people's lives. This says a lot about the character we will come to know that is the adult George Bailey. Constantly stopping his own quest or dreams to help someone else. This leads him to consider suicide on a cold winter night. Luckily, Angel Second-Class, Clarence is called in to show George what the world would be like if he had not existed.
Henry Travers does an excellent job as Clarence. His performance holds qualities of deep compassion, and childlike ignorance. He is truly a joy to watch.
For 1946 the production was extremely large for a film that did not do very well at the box office. Literally tons of chemical snow (that was created specifically for this movie and later used for years as the "new fake snow") was made to make every scene realistic. The music and cinematography lend itself to the story but nothing special here.
The ending really does make all the heartbreak the audience and George endured worth it. This film really shows the impact one man (and an angel) can have on a town and the world. It is deeply moving and cannot be scoffed at. Everyone can and will take something away from this great film. Recommended viewing for everyone.
IMDB here.
Hey Nic - this is one of my all time favorites too! What an interesting mix of movies you've put on your list!